Friday, June 13, 2008


So here are the things that irks me:

1. When people leave their shopping carts in the parking lot when in fact they know that there is a proper place for them and its just 10 feet away. Arrrrghhh!
2. People driving on the left lane but super duper slow! Tsk! Tsk! Tsk! If cursing could kill. I could’ve been convicted as a Murderer.
3. People who doesn’t know how to use their right and left signal while changing lanes. Gosh! I don’t know how many times I have used my horn because of this SHIT! People are just IGNORANT sometimes.
4. When people put a dent or big scratch on someone’s car intentionally or unintentionally! Does the word BE EXTRA CAREFUL ring a bell? Shucks! People can be just so insensitive. How annoying is that? Hello!
5. A person who turns their volume too loud while driving. What is wrong with these people? Are they deaf? What the heck!
6. HYPOCRITE PEOPLE who flash smiles in their faces and say good things about you in your presence but then talk SHIT behind your back once you’re gone.
7. People who gives you a call only when they need something. USER!
8. When people expect something back for the help they gave out. Never expect to get anything back. A simple Thank You is enough. Case closed!
9. People who IMPOSE!
10. When people don’t flush their FREAKING SHIT! DUGYOT BIG TIME! I really don’t understand this people! Yuck! ARRRgghhh!

I guess Im just tired of other people's never-ending bullshit huh. What do you think? I may not be the nicest person on earth but please COURTESY to others for goodness sake.

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