Friday, January 9, 2009


Three things that scare me

1. To go under the knife for Cosmetic Surgery!
I was shock when my friend mentioned that she wanted a breast surgery. You see I was surprised because I don’t think she needs it. She was one of the few lucky girls I know if you know what I mean. Then that’s when she started explaining that she needed a breast reduction because her bust is too big it causes her too much discomfort due to back, shoulder, and neck pain. All the while I thought big bust is always an asset. But I guess, I’m wrong. (Well now I’m enlightened!) Anyways, if you're dissatisfied with your appearance, or have a problem like my friend you may be interested in cosmetic surgery not only to look better, but also to feel better. Try MYA Cosmetic surgery they offer a range of affordable, flexible finance packages to help create the new you if you want a new you. Finding medical procedures at high medical standards and affordable prices should no longer be an issue.

2. Loosing someone I deeply love and care about
3. Freaking Ugly Big Snakes (I’m serious!)

Three things I love
1. Overflowing Blessings From Up Above
2. My daughters funny antics/ Dear hubs endless surprises
3. Spending quality time with family and friends

Three things I hate
1. People who impose/ Inconsiderate/Nosy and User
2. People who gets into my nerve big time
3. MESS!!!

Three things I don’t understand
1. People who dwells on the past (for your sake and mine…get over it)
2. Why some people talk behind your back. Please if you happen to have a problem with me just let me know and stop talking shit. (Sorry I got carried away!) ;)
3. Why some people are jealous of someone else’s success. Why can't you just be happy for them once and for all and start making your own success.

Three things I can do
1. Ignore people that cause me stress and headaches
2. Multi task
3. Skip breakfast and lunch just so I can have uninterrupted sleep. Tsk! I know this is insane!

Three things I’m not good at
1. Not to care at all
2. Organizational Skills! I suck at this big time.
3. Keeping the house clean!

Three things I think you should listen to
1. Gut feeling/Mother/Woman Instinct
2. Advice from Responsible Parents
3. Friends that really do care

How about you? What are your three’s? Care to share? :D


Anonymous said...

hi der sis...nice three's..

Anonymous said...

haloooo..frm..jang n jed

Anonymous said...

Hi sweetjetty,

Nice to know your three's...

Here's mine :)
Got three phones:
1. Samsung (
2. Nokia (
3. Motorola (

*** why? needed to have this three networks for my load retailer business :)