Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Mother's Day Special!

As per AJ's request we ate lunch, where else, but at good ol' Grand Asia Buffet as usual. Ayayay! (Walang kamatayang Chinese food!) I was just glad they offered "SEAFOOD BUFFET" for that very special day meaning LOBSTER FEST for me and the hubs for $16.99. I was one happy Mommy. It's not the usual LOBSTER where you cracked from its shell. Grand Asia served chopped LOBSTER with a very tasty sauce. It was really good! I can't blame this other woman who kept on coming back for the LOBSTER but man, she can be very selfish. No Kidding! We had to wait for the next batch again and again. Why? She was always first in line and she always had an extra plate of LOBSTER in their table. LOL! (The hubs and I can see it from across our table) I almost wanted to tell her " Whoa! HEY GIRL, take it easy! You're not the only one who's eating here!" Ahaha...

For dinner I wanted to eat at APPLE BEES because of the "Triple Chocolate Meltdown" for $5.49. I can't get enough of this dessert. This is a must try I highly recommend it. So there, that sums up my day even though I was coughing (more on like barking like a dog) I had a memorable Mother's day. FUN. FUN. FUN. Thank you my LAB and my SWEET CAKE for making it possible. Love you both to pieces. Muah!!!

OH! The hubs took care of my closet so MISSION ORGANIZATION ACCOMPLISHED! One of his many surprises. Again love you my LABS! Hihi...
I'm wearing my DIY earrings as well as AJ. The hubs thought the earrings was too big for me but I thought it was alright.


Rico said...

The good thing is you get to celebrate it with your family. The good food and yummy dessert were just a bonus.

kg said...

nice celebration! :) ang si hubby ha, alam ang gusto mo!

AJ is lucky to have you as her mom! :)