'Tis the season of sickness whether we like it or not. Since AJ is in kindergarten now, she's prone to getting sick even with all the proper hygiene. She missed 2 days of school due to high fever, cough and colds. We were asked to give the school a written note why she missed school. So the hubs searched for a format on how to write one. And here's what he found. I couldn't resist to post these samples parents had done. Read it and you be the judge. All I can say is I had a GOOD LAUGH!
These are excuse notes from parents (including original spelling) collected by schools from all over the country. From Buzzle.com
1. My son is under a doctor’s care and should not take P.E. today. Please execute him.
2. Please excuse Lisa for being absent. She was sick and I had her shot.
3. Dear School: Please ekscuse John being absent on Jan. 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, and also 33.
4. Please excuse Gloria from Jim today. She is administrating.
5. Please excuse Roland from P.E. for a few days. Yesterday he fell out of a tree and misplaced his hip.
6. John has been absent because he had two teeth taken out of his face.
7. Carlos was absent yesterday because he was playing football.
He was hurt in the growing part.
8. Megan could not come to school today because she has been bothered by very close veins.
9. Chris will not be in school cus he has an acre in his side.
10. Please excuse Ray Friday from school. He has very loose vowels.
11. Please excuse Pedro from being absent yesterday. He had (diahre) (dyrea) (direathe) the shits. [words in ()’s were crossed out.]
12. Please excuse Tommy for being absent yesterday. He had diarrhea and his boots leak.
13. Irving was absent yesterday because he missed his bust.
14. Please excuse Jimmy for being. It was his father’s fault.
15. I kept Billie home because she had to go Christmas shopping because I don’t know what size she wear.
16. Please excuse Jennifer for missing school yesterday. We forgot to get the Sunday paper off the porch, and when we found it Monday, we thought it was Sunday.
17. Sally won’t be in school a week from Friday. We have to attend her funeral.
18. My daughter was absent yesterday because she was tired. She spent a weekend with the Marines.
19. Please excuse Jason for being absent yesterday. He had a cold and could not breed well.
20. Please excuse Mary for being absent yesterday. She was in bed with gramps.
21. Gloria was absent yesterday as she was having a gangover.
22. Please excuse Burma, she has been sick and under the doctor.
23. Maryann was absent December 11-16, because she had a fever, sore throat, headache and upset stomach. Her sister was also sick, fever and sore throat, her brother had a low grade fever and ached all over. I wasn’t the best either, sore throat and fever. There must be something going around, her father even got hot last night.
24. Please excuse little Jimmy for not being in school yesterday.
His father is gone and I could not get him ready because I was in bed with the doctor.
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Ready For The Holidays!!!
Normally, we would set up our Christmas tree after Thanksgiving. But we decided to put it up early this year. For this year's theme I chose GOLD and the BEANNIE BABIES. I think it looks adorable. I'm even done wrapping all the kids gift including AJ's , the nephews, Godchildren, family friends kids. Oh! Even AJ's Kindergarten and Ballet teachers. Now I can start shopping for the hubs all I need is his wish list. He's the hardest one to get a gift since he could be too picky. If only he was into Men's Jewelry then it shouldn't be a problem but he's not. Grrr!!! So to make my life easier I will just wait for his list and then I'll just threw in a few surprises to make it mine. (Para naman may originality) hahaha...
Anyways, we got AJ the Nintendo Wii Active Life Outdoor Challenge Game and the Nintendo Wii Dora the Explorer: Dora Saves the Snow Princess Game. And as a BONUS I am surprising her with a basket filled with her favorite candies. The RING POPS and the BOTTLE CANDIES. I only spent 20 bucks for this treat. I can't wait to see her reaction when she opens it. I hope to get it on video though. This would be fun. I'm thrilled!
Oh! Thanks to my Sister Jam for the early Christmas present. You made AJ really happy. She is too excited and wants to open it already. hahaha... I Love You Sis!

Anyways, we got AJ the Nintendo Wii Active Life Outdoor Challenge Game and the Nintendo Wii Dora the Explorer: Dora Saves the Snow Princess Game. And as a BONUS I am surprising her with a basket filled with her favorite candies. The RING POPS and the BOTTLE CANDIES. I only spent 20 bucks for this treat. I can't wait to see her reaction when she opens it. I hope to get it on video though. This would be fun. I'm thrilled!
Oh! Thanks to my Sister Jam for the early Christmas present. You made AJ really happy. She is too excited and wants to open it already. hahaha... I Love You Sis!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Don't worry no SPOILER HERE.
I started getting ready at 9:30am thinking we would be out at 10:30 but actually finished at 11:30 and got to the mall close to 12 noon. Hahaha... GOSH! It took me 2 freaking hours to get ready for this date with the hubs. (Feeling dalaga ako dito ah! SYET! Sobrang Excited bwahaha!) Went to pick to up some Freebies from HELZBERG DIAMOND and VICTORIA's SECRET first then lingered a little bit to check out what I would like SANTA to give me. WINK! Yeah, I know! I am a sucker for freebies! It's like getting an early presents I tell you. (I had to blog this sometime ahihi)
Anyway, after I got my freebies I wanted to eat at TWISTED FORK but the hubs reminded me that we had a movie to catch. Since there was not enough time I had to settle for Chinese food from the food court. (Don't get me wrong there is nothing wrong with the food from the food court. It's just that I wanted to eat at a very nice restaurant today since I tried to dress the part. Isn't that why it took me so long? (I told you I'm too excited. Too Bad!)But I still had a good time. The hubs took off from work Monday to Wednesday since Thursday and Friday is Thanksgiving Holiday. (I'm excited about the after Thanksgiving sale by the way nyehehe...) A week off from work... The hubs was very happy. We had good times to ourselves Monday and Tuesday. What a nice break from our daily routine. Aj was in school just in case you were wondering. :)
Next time I'll know better when the hubs ask me out again. SYET! Excited hahaha... Now I wonder when our next date is going to happen. BLEH!!! Now back to the movie... Are you a sucker for ROMANCE MOVIES? Go and see the TWILIGHT MOVIE. KIKILIGIN kayo ng TODO TODO. PRAMIS! AYLAVIT!!! I so HEART EDWARD! Muah!
Don't worry no SPOILER HERE.
I started getting ready at 9:30am thinking we would be out at 10:30 but actually finished at 11:30 and got to the mall close to 12 noon. Hahaha... GOSH! It took me 2 freaking hours to get ready for this date with the hubs. (Feeling dalaga ako dito ah! SYET! Sobrang Excited bwahaha!) Went to pick to up some Freebies from HELZBERG DIAMOND and VICTORIA's SECRET first then lingered a little bit to check out what I would like SANTA to give me. WINK! Yeah, I know! I am a sucker for freebies! It's like getting an early presents I tell you. (I had to blog this sometime ahihi)
Anyway, after I got my freebies I wanted to eat at TWISTED FORK but the hubs reminded me that we had a movie to catch. Since there was not enough time I had to settle for Chinese food from the food court. (Don't get me wrong there is nothing wrong with the food from the food court. It's just that I wanted to eat at a very nice restaurant today since I tried to dress the part. Isn't that why it took me so long? (I told you I'm too excited. Too Bad!)But I still had a good time. The hubs took off from work Monday to Wednesday since Thursday and Friday is Thanksgiving Holiday. (I'm excited about the after Thanksgiving sale by the way nyehehe...) A week off from work... The hubs was very happy. We had good times to ourselves Monday and Tuesday. What a nice break from our daily routine. Aj was in school just in case you were wondering. :)
Next time I'll know better when the hubs ask me out again. SYET! Excited hahaha... Now I wonder when our next date is going to happen. BLEH!!! Now back to the movie... Are you a sucker for ROMANCE MOVIES? Go and see the TWILIGHT MOVIE. KIKILIGIN kayo ng TODO TODO. PRAMIS! AYLAVIT!!! I so HEART EDWARD! Muah!
Sunday, November 16, 2008
AJ:Opppsss.I'm sorry daddy, I keep on farting on you! (Her tummy must be too gassy)
DADDY: OH My! Have I done something wrong?
AJ: I didn't do that on purpose. It just happened. Sorry Daddy!
Hahaha... I just thought it was funny.
DADDY: OH My! Have I done something wrong?
AJ: I didn't do that on purpose. It just happened. Sorry Daddy!
Hahaha... I just thought it was funny.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Sunday, November 9, 2008
This happened the 2nd week after school started in September. I never thought I would post it so I didn’t bother remembering. Here’s a conversation with my AJ about a boy named Txxx who in some way bothers her too much. I wanted to handle the issue my way because frankly Txxx was also getting in my nerves. He bothered me so much that I wanted to punch him. (Sshh!!! Of course I won’t, silly! He’s just a kid!) This is where it all started and from then on the teasing hasn’t stopped. This has been bothering and continue to annoy AJ a lot.
AJ: I had fun in the playground today Mom.
MOM: Good for you, babe!
AJ: I had fun in the playground today. But it’s so hot I had to stay in the shade. It cools me down.
MOM: Yeah, It’s a bit hot today!
AJ: Mom, I have a new friend, Exxx. He is my friend. I like him a lot. I gave him a hugs and a lot of kisses.
MOM: So a new friend? Huh! Good for you!
AJ nodding her head and smiling and it seems that she really like this boy a lot. You’ll see why, she talks about him non-stop.
AJ: Mom, I had lots of fun today. Exxx and I played together and during nap time he slept beside me.
MOM: That’s good! So this Exxx, is he nice?
AJ: Yeah! I like him a lot.
AJ: MOM, I had fun today. We played in the playground.
MOM: That’s good! How is Exxx?
AJ: My teacher said Exxx and I should separate during our naptime.
MOM: Oh! Why? Did the teacher get mad at you or Exxx?
AJ: No! Exxx just wasn’t listening. But he didn’t get a time out.
Mom: Oh really! Next time tell Exxx to listen to your teacher, ok.
She was very upset that I had to ask her, how her day was. If you notice she would always greet me with her “I had a good day….line”). But today it was different and I could see it in her face that she wasn’t happy at all.
AJ: Mom, I’m confused.
MOM: Why are you confused, babe?
AJ: This boy in my class, his name is, Txxx.
MOM: What about Txxx?
AJ: He says Exxx is my BOYFRIEND. I kept telling him Exxx is just my friend but, he kept on saying he is my boyfriend. HMPPP! I don’t care about Txxx. I don’t like him. Hmmmp!!!
It must have been very hard for my AJ to understand why this boy would say such a thing. Understand this, AJ doesn’t have any MALICE YET. She was not exposed to this kind of stuff. And for her to feel this way hurts me too. I know kids will be kids but this boy is just way out of line. I had to ask the hub to have a talk w/ her teacher since this boy can be too much for AJ to handle. He loves to tease AJ a lot. He even said one time to AJ “I’m KEEPING AN EYE ON YOU!” Can you believe a 5 year old would say that?
The teacher had a talk with Txxx. He even apologized to AJ and we thought that would be the end of it. Wrong! (Masyadong kulang sa pansin ito grabeee…minsan gusto ko nang kausapin at bungangahan hahaha…but we let AJ do her thing and handle him on her own.) I realize I wouldn’t be there all the times to rescue her if there is a bully who comes along. (I learned from AJ's teacher, Mrs. Sxxx, that this boy can be a handful at times.) I see! So we told AJ to just ignore him and if he stills bother her to tell him “STOP IT! I DON’T LIKE THAT!” (With a serious look and a firm voice). If you’ll meet my AJ, your first impression would be that SHE IS SO SWEET. Yeah! She is such a sweet kid. She loves to hug and kiss. She loves to draw, make art works and give it to whoever is sick or got hurt or sad. AJ must have played with Exxx all the times that Txxx felt nobody wanted to play with him. So I told her that Txxx might like to play with her too. (She doesn’t want to play with him. She’d rather play with Exxx more. She doesn’t understand why she needed to play with Txxx when in fact she’s enjoying Exxx’s company.) But being the nice girl that she is, she told me she would start playing with him more and she did. At one time Txxx didn’t have any partner for reading and you know what she did? She asked the teacher if he could join her and Axxx, one of her classmates (AJ’s reading partner). The teacher told us about this when we had a teacher’s conference/evaluation of how AJ was doing for the first quarter. The teacher even praised her and told her that she was so nice about including Txxx in the group! Awww! I felt so proud! But sad to say this boy lacks attention. Oh well!... Txxx still bothers AJ but she’s getting there. She’s trying really hard not to let him get on her nerves. Way to go BABE! By the way the teacher praises AJ for doing so well in school and even said that she’s beyond some of her classmates. I’m proud to say that before school started she was able to learn to write and spell her Name, middle name and her Last name which is Alexis Jade- G---b A----------n (MN-5 letters LN is 12 letters) and she can count and write 1-100. I know I may sound like I’m bragging but who cares. She’s my pride and joy anyway (aren’t all parents like that? Ahihi…) BLEH!
AJ: I had fun in the playground today Mom.
MOM: Good for you, babe!
AJ: I had fun in the playground today. But it’s so hot I had to stay in the shade. It cools me down.
MOM: Yeah, It’s a bit hot today!
AJ: Mom, I have a new friend, Exxx. He is my friend. I like him a lot. I gave him a hugs and a lot of kisses.
MOM: So a new friend? Huh! Good for you!
AJ nodding her head and smiling and it seems that she really like this boy a lot. You’ll see why, she talks about him non-stop.
AJ: Mom, I had lots of fun today. Exxx and I played together and during nap time he slept beside me.
MOM: That’s good! So this Exxx, is he nice?
AJ: Yeah! I like him a lot.
AJ: MOM, I had fun today. We played in the playground.
MOM: That’s good! How is Exxx?
AJ: My teacher said Exxx and I should separate during our naptime.
MOM: Oh! Why? Did the teacher get mad at you or Exxx?
AJ: No! Exxx just wasn’t listening. But he didn’t get a time out.
Mom: Oh really! Next time tell Exxx to listen to your teacher, ok.
She was very upset that I had to ask her, how her day was. If you notice she would always greet me with her “I had a good day….line”). But today it was different and I could see it in her face that she wasn’t happy at all.
AJ: Mom, I’m confused.
MOM: Why are you confused, babe?
AJ: This boy in my class, his name is, Txxx.
MOM: What about Txxx?
AJ: He says Exxx is my BOYFRIEND. I kept telling him Exxx is just my friend but, he kept on saying he is my boyfriend. HMPPP! I don’t care about Txxx. I don’t like him. Hmmmp!!!
It must have been very hard for my AJ to understand why this boy would say such a thing. Understand this, AJ doesn’t have any MALICE YET. She was not exposed to this kind of stuff. And for her to feel this way hurts me too. I know kids will be kids but this boy is just way out of line. I had to ask the hub to have a talk w/ her teacher since this boy can be too much for AJ to handle. He loves to tease AJ a lot. He even said one time to AJ “I’m KEEPING AN EYE ON YOU!” Can you believe a 5 year old would say that?
The teacher had a talk with Txxx. He even apologized to AJ and we thought that would be the end of it. Wrong! (Masyadong kulang sa pansin ito grabeee…minsan gusto ko nang kausapin at bungangahan hahaha…but we let AJ do her thing and handle him on her own.) I realize I wouldn’t be there all the times to rescue her if there is a bully who comes along. (I learned from AJ's teacher, Mrs. Sxxx, that this boy can be a handful at times.) I see! So we told AJ to just ignore him and if he stills bother her to tell him “STOP IT! I DON’T LIKE THAT!” (With a serious look and a firm voice). If you’ll meet my AJ, your first impression would be that SHE IS SO SWEET. Yeah! She is such a sweet kid. She loves to hug and kiss. She loves to draw, make art works and give it to whoever is sick or got hurt or sad. AJ must have played with Exxx all the times that Txxx felt nobody wanted to play with him. So I told her that Txxx might like to play with her too. (She doesn’t want to play with him. She’d rather play with Exxx more. She doesn’t understand why she needed to play with Txxx when in fact she’s enjoying Exxx’s company.) But being the nice girl that she is, she told me she would start playing with him more and she did. At one time Txxx didn’t have any partner for reading and you know what she did? She asked the teacher if he could join her and Axxx, one of her classmates (AJ’s reading partner). The teacher told us about this when we had a teacher’s conference/evaluation of how AJ was doing for the first quarter. The teacher even praised her and told her that she was so nice about including Txxx in the group! Awww! I felt so proud! But sad to say this boy lacks attention. Oh well!... Txxx still bothers AJ but she’s getting there. She’s trying really hard not to let him get on her nerves. Way to go BABE! By the way the teacher praises AJ for doing so well in school and even said that she’s beyond some of her classmates. I’m proud to say that before school started she was able to learn to write and spell her Name, middle name and her Last name which is Alexis Jade- G---b A----------n (MN-5 letters LN is 12 letters) and she can count and write 1-100. I know I may sound like I’m bragging but who cares. She’s my pride and joy anyway (aren’t all parents like that? Ahihi…) BLEH!
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