AJ participated in the National TV-turnoff Week. Yup! She didn't watch TV for 8 straight days. She was cool about not watching. We were like, Wow! The hubs and I were amazed. I never thought we would survive. But we did! Yay! Kudos to my Sweet Doll! She did great! We were so proud of her. As a parent, we did everything we could to divert her attention. So here's what we did the whole week:
*** Draw
*** Color
*** Paint
*** Played Hide and Seek
*** Played Tic-tac-toe
*** Made some Egg Mosaic Project for the junk yard art contest
*** Read books
*** Walk in the neighborhood in the afternoon
*** AJ had fun riding her new bike
*** Garden
*** Went Strawberry Picking
*** Went to the mall (played in the play area)
*** Made Pizza
*** Dine out most of the time (Yes! My experiment failed! It's hard to keep up! The hubs and I were guilty! We found out it was hard to give up some things. AY YAY YAY! Enough said haha... Tsk!)
*** Annoy Daddy (hihi)
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Friday, April 24, 2009
Strawberry Picking!
Monday, April 20, 2009
To tell you honestly, GROCERY is not my ideal shopping destination. I find the entire process of planning, loading and unloading (Gasp!) to be a bit daunting. Yes! You read that right! And when it rains Boy don't you just hate it? Arghhh!!! Paksyet!
Anyways, I used to not pay attention to grocery prices that much. It took me a while to realize that I could save some extra money if I started paying a little more attention to grocery price variations. Now I compare prices and shop at groceries that have sale the most. I'm not ashamed to admit that I also used coupons whenever possible. Coupons are actually my best friend.
So now, I wanted to do a bit of experiment. And would love the hubs to support and accept this challenge to spend $75 worth of groceries the entire week. (We usually spend $125-150 a week for the three of us) This includes AJ's 5 day snack in school, (we paid her lunch in school so that's already taken care of), the hubs 5 day lunch (lean cuisine, frozen meal), breakfast for the entire week (AJ and I usually have cereal with milk or bagel, the hubs, well, he's a bit picky so I should consider this.), dinner for the entire week and lunch on the weekends. For my lunch, I just eat whatever is available in the fridge. Haha...
I'm going to cheat a little . And why is that you may ask? Well, I did some inventory and check whatever stock we have and start from there. I will try to incorporate whatever is left for our Menu this week. That way, I won't be wasting food and would eliminate repeated trips to the store. I have the tendency to be an impulse buyer that sometimes before I have the chance to use it...it's way past its expiration date. What a waste of money! I can't afford to be wasteful these days! Yes! I'm really serious to do this. Why the hell do you think I'm doing it? It might not be a big deal to you or to anyone else but it is to me. I just hope I'll be able to stick with the plan/budget since I could easily get lost and get distracted out there. If you know what I mean? I got a good tip about...Attractive displays, fancy packaging, and convenience foods almost always cost more. Look at top and bottom shelves for the best bargains. Stores often put the most expensive and prettiest packages at eye level. I just have to remember this all the time.
Anyways, my menu for this week will be as follows (not that anyone will care I suppose bwehehe...)
MONDAY--- courtesy of FAT DADDY's bwahahaha... (Ok so $15 dollars will be deducted to the $75. So all I have left is $60. I think I still can work that. Since right now I don't need to purchase big items such as Tissue Rolls for the kitchen and bathroom tissues. These suckers are expensive ranging from $8-16. So I think I'm good. ((Fingers cross!) I just hope I have enough money to get food for next weeks meal. -haha- Just in case I have to purchase the big items for the next week.

Fruit and Garden Salad w/ a Thousand Island Dressing

WEDNESDAY/THURSDAY--- PASTA SHRIMP ALFREDO w/ CHEESE GARLIC BREAD or PANDESAL with slice of Velveeta Cheese -hehe- (We still have PANDESAL from last weeks trip to Virginia from Susan's Kitchenette) This meal usually give us 2 dinners. YUP! We don't mind eating leftovers.

And for brunch it depends whatever the hubs and AJ likes.

For the mean time no GRAND ASIA BUFFET. I get to keep the $40. This will go to the travel funds for August.

Then start the process all over again. GOLLY! I'm starting to get a headache. GOODLUCK TO ME! (Evil laughs in the background) Sssshhh!!!
Anyways, I used to not pay attention to grocery prices that much. It took me a while to realize that I could save some extra money if I started paying a little more attention to grocery price variations. Now I compare prices and shop at groceries that have sale the most. I'm not ashamed to admit that I also used coupons whenever possible. Coupons are actually my best friend.
So now, I wanted to do a bit of experiment. And would love the hubs to support and accept this challenge to spend $75 worth of groceries the entire week. (We usually spend $125-150 a week for the three of us) This includes AJ's 5 day snack in school, (we paid her lunch in school so that's already taken care of), the hubs 5 day lunch (lean cuisine, frozen meal), breakfast for the entire week (AJ and I usually have cereal with milk or bagel, the hubs, well, he's a bit picky so I should consider this.), dinner for the entire week and lunch on the weekends. For my lunch, I just eat whatever is available in the fridge. Haha...
I'm going to cheat a little . And why is that you may ask? Well, I did some inventory and check whatever stock we have and start from there. I will try to incorporate whatever is left for our Menu this week. That way, I won't be wasting food and would eliminate repeated trips to the store. I have the tendency to be an impulse buyer that sometimes before I have the chance to use it...it's way past its expiration date. What a waste of money! I can't afford to be wasteful these days! Yes! I'm really serious to do this. Why the hell do you think I'm doing it? It might not be a big deal to you or to anyone else but it is to me. I just hope I'll be able to stick with the plan/budget since I could easily get lost and get distracted out there. If you know what I mean? I got a good tip about...Attractive displays, fancy packaging, and convenience foods almost always cost more. Look at top and bottom shelves for the best bargains. Stores often put the most expensive and prettiest packages at eye level. I just have to remember this all the time.
Anyways, my menu for this week will be as follows (not that anyone will care I suppose bwehehe...)
MONDAY--- courtesy of FAT DADDY's bwahahaha... (Ok so $15 dollars will be deducted to the $75. So all I have left is $60. I think I still can work that. Since right now I don't need to purchase big items such as Tissue Rolls for the kitchen and bathroom tissues. These suckers are expensive ranging from $8-16. So I think I'm good. ((Fingers cross!) I just hope I have enough money to get food for next weeks meal. -haha- Just in case I have to purchase the big items for the next week.

Fruit and Garden Salad w/ a Thousand Island Dressing

WEDNESDAY/THURSDAY--- PASTA SHRIMP ALFREDO w/ CHEESE GARLIC BREAD or PANDESAL with slice of Velveeta Cheese -hehe- (We still have PANDESAL from last weeks trip to Virginia from Susan's Kitchenette) This meal usually give us 2 dinners. YUP! We don't mind eating leftovers.

And for brunch it depends whatever the hubs and AJ likes.

For the mean time no GRAND ASIA BUFFET. I get to keep the $40. This will go to the travel funds for August.

Then start the process all over again. GOLLY! I'm starting to get a headache. GOODLUCK TO ME! (Evil laughs in the background) Sssshhh!!!
Sunday, April 19, 2009
This would be nice...
We just got back from a birthday party next door. As usual AJ had fun and if possible wouldn't want to go home just yet. She was happy though. Why is that? Well, her Godmother gave her the gift that she mentioned a long time ago. Nyahaha.... Yup! You read it right. We are next door neighbors but seldom see and talk to each other. Anyways! Her Ninang (godmother) mentioned that next year will be a big year for her and her daughter (the b-day celebrant) because she will be celebrating her BIG 50 and the daughter will turn SWEET 16. They will be having a grand celebration I guess. It's just timely that I saw an opportunity to write about ringer lawn fertilizer which I think AJ's Ninang would love to have for her birthday next year. Don't laugh! I'm serious. She's going to like this a lot since she's an avid gardener. I would often times see her outside her home doing some gardening even in the middle of the day when it's too hot. I wonder how she handles the heat? I guess she just loves gardening too much that she just doesn't care. So I'm seriously considering this and probably would give her additional gifts like a gift card so she can also get whatever she wants.
I'm actually thinking of getting one for myself since our lawn needs one badly. Our lawn has lots of weeds and even though we had help from a lawn care company, it didn't work out for us. So we told them to just stop the service since it's just a waste of money. I hope to start a garden too at the back. A herb garden would be nice. Since their organic lawn care products are chem-free. I don't have to worry. A real important factor to take into account considering AJ likes running around and playing in there. Are you an avid gardener too? You might want to try this. And who wouldn't want organic product, right? We all know that they have a higher health benefits, safer and more nutritious compared to conventionally grown products. Now a days, people I know are aware of what they are eating. Besides we're not getting any younger. So I guess we should start taking care of ourselves. Wouldn't you agree?

We gave the birthday celebrant a bodybag from BEBE. According to AJ, she's going to like it. So that's what I wrapped. Nyahaha... Seriously, I hope she'll love it. AJ got a sleeping bag from her Ninang. She was so excited that she tried it on as soon as we got home. She wanted to sleep on it tonight but we declined. Sorry Babe! This coming Friday though, Promise! Muah!!!
I'm actually thinking of getting one for myself since our lawn needs one badly. Our lawn has lots of weeds and even though we had help from a lawn care company, it didn't work out for us. So we told them to just stop the service since it's just a waste of money. I hope to start a garden too at the back. A herb garden would be nice. Since their organic lawn care products are chem-free. I don't have to worry. A real important factor to take into account considering AJ likes running around and playing in there. Are you an avid gardener too? You might want to try this. And who wouldn't want organic product, right? We all know that they have a higher health benefits, safer and more nutritious compared to conventionally grown products. Now a days, people I know are aware of what they are eating. Besides we're not getting any younger. So I guess we should start taking care of ourselves. Wouldn't you agree?

We gave the birthday celebrant a bodybag from BEBE. According to AJ, she's going to like it. So that's what I wrapped. Nyahaha... Seriously, I hope she'll love it. AJ got a sleeping bag from her Ninang. She was so excited that she tried it on as soon as we got home. She wanted to sleep on it tonight but we declined. Sorry Babe! This coming Friday though, Promise! Muah!!!
I was about to download pictures from our recent trip but I got side track. Pardon me! I will as soon as I finish my task. Hehehe...
Just being lazy...
I have a lot to share with you guys. I just can't collect my thoughts right now because the house is distracting me. I tried to tidy up a little but it's still a mess. The mission organization I started a month ago is still hanging. Yup! I'm not done with that yet! I've been procrastinating... again! Well, what else is new? Tsk! My hubs would hang me by my neck if I didn't finish this soon. I hope not! bwehehe... Peace my love! Arghhh!!!
Anyhow, are you looking for that someone to come sweep you off your feet? Try to check sugar momma dating you just might find the one you've been waiting for your whole life. If you've never been in a relationship before or it's been a while since your last date with someone, well I think its time to reconsider. How about joining Millionaire Flirt today.
Anyhow, are you looking for that someone to come sweep you off your feet? Try to check sugar momma dating you just might find the one you've been waiting for your whole life. If you've never been in a relationship before or it's been a while since your last date with someone, well I think its time to reconsider. How about joining Millionaire Flirt today.
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Easter is like Thanksgiving for US!
I can't wait for the HUBS' special Virginia Ham and Mango Cobbler! It better be good! I've done my share for our Easter Dinner Feast! I can't believe I can whip up a very good Shrimp Fettuccine Alfredo! Yup! I am now a cooking Diva! Joke! Bwehehehe.... Happy Easter Everyone!
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Anything pretty........
Instead of an hour of waiting in the car for AJ's ballet to finish, I asked the hubs to drop me at one of my favorite department store "MARSHALLS" which is just 3 minutes away. While he went to OfficeMax to pick up some DVD+Rs. After an hour I wasn't ready to go yet so I ask the hubs to pick up AJ and bring her back to the store so she could try some crocs shoes. Most of her shoes were getting too small for her. She's not allowed to wear flip flops so crocs is always the best alternative. The weather's been so nice lately so it's time to put away the boots hehe....
I just wish AJ had the patience to shop for shoes but unfortunately she doesn't. :(
AJ: Mom, I don't want to try any shoes. SHOPPING IS SOOOOO BORRIINNGG!!!
MOM: OH Come on! I have something to show you.
AJ: Nope! I want to go!
MOM: FINE! I'm not going to buy you anything anymore.
AJ: Ughhh!!! OK! OK! I'm coming! (with a big sigh at the background)
She tried on some of the crocs but for the life of me, nothing fits her. Unbelievable!!!
It was either too small or too big so I gave up. Then I saw something pretty. They were flip flops (I know, I know) but I just couldn't resist. So I asked her if she wants to try them on. Her eyes began to sparkle and started smiling.
AJ: I like these Mom! (She started trying them on with a big smile flashed on her face)
MOM: (So I kid her) Lets put it back and go. (She SCREAMS AND said)
AJ: NOOOO! I like this too much. It's so PRETTYYY!
MOM: Didn't you just said you didn't like shopping. Let's go!
AJ: I'm just KIDDING! (with a laugh)
Mom, I want to buy this. Come on let's shop some more.
So Tito Rhod and Tita Jam take note. Anything SPARKLY AJ likes...hahaha :)
It's totally different when she shops for PUZZLES, LEGOS, Sketch Pads, Markers, or anything related to drawing/painting. She could shop for hours and sometimes wouldn't want to leave the store anymore. :) Of course! DUH!!! hihi...

This is what enticed her to shop! Why? According to AJ, anything pretty, she LIKEY! hahaha....
I just wish AJ had the patience to shop for shoes but unfortunately she doesn't. :(
AJ: Mom, I don't want to try any shoes. SHOPPING IS SOOOOO BORRIINNGG!!!
MOM: OH Come on! I have something to show you.
AJ: Nope! I want to go!
MOM: FINE! I'm not going to buy you anything anymore.
AJ: Ughhh!!! OK! OK! I'm coming! (with a big sigh at the background)
She tried on some of the crocs but for the life of me, nothing fits her. Unbelievable!!!
It was either too small or too big so I gave up. Then I saw something pretty. They were flip flops (I know, I know) but I just couldn't resist. So I asked her if she wants to try them on. Her eyes began to sparkle and started smiling.
AJ: I like these Mom! (She started trying them on with a big smile flashed on her face)
MOM: (So I kid her) Lets put it back and go. (She SCREAMS AND said)
AJ: NOOOO! I like this too much. It's so PRETTYYY!
MOM: Didn't you just said you didn't like shopping. Let's go!
AJ: I'm just KIDDING! (with a laugh)
Mom, I want to buy this. Come on let's shop some more.
So Tito Rhod and Tita Jam take note. Anything SPARKLY AJ likes...hahaha :)
It's totally different when she shops for PUZZLES, LEGOS, Sketch Pads, Markers, or anything related to drawing/painting. She could shop for hours and sometimes wouldn't want to leave the store anymore. :) Of course! DUH!!! hihi...

This is what enticed her to shop! Why? According to AJ, anything pretty, she LIKEY! hahaha....
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
The HUBS just got back from work.
AJ: I hate you, DADDDYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!
AJ: (laughing) April FOOLS day!
AJ: I hate you, DADDDYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!
AJ: (laughing) April FOOLS day!
Lets Hit the Road!
I can't wait for Spring break next week. AJ is excited too since she knows we are going to Washington DC to see the Cherry Blossom Festival. After that, we are going to Bush Gardens to enjoy some amazing roller coaster rides and just have a blast. Who knows, we might hit the beach too since it's not too far from Bush Gardens.
So guys, if you need power steering rack for your car. Feel free to check them for your steering rack and steering box needs. All of their parts come with complete warranty, are in stock and ready to ship. Free shipping is included. They guarantee to offer the lowest prices anywhere! I guess it is about time to check the car and have any maintenance work needed so we could hit the road safe for next week. And maybe I could convince the hubs to get a new power steering rock. That would be so neat! Yeah! How about you? Do you need one?
So guys, if you need power steering rack for your car. Feel free to check them for your steering rack and steering box needs. All of their parts come with complete warranty, are in stock and ready to ship. Free shipping is included. They guarantee to offer the lowest prices anywhere! I guess it is about time to check the car and have any maintenance work needed so we could hit the road safe for next week. And maybe I could convince the hubs to get a new power steering rock. That would be so neat! Yeah! How about you? Do you need one?
Take Note "Boringggg"
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