Friday, July 17, 2009

My first ever Diaper Cake!

I said that I was going to make a diaper cake for AJ's Kindergarten teacher Mrs Sxxx. But due to my laziness I wasn't able to make one. (What else is new, right!?) The best I could do was to put everything in a big baby shower gift bag. Hahaha... How boring! We got her a box of diapers (100 pieces) and another box of disposable wipes.

We had another baby shower. But this time I wasn't able to attend because we went out of town for my B-day. So I just sent my gift. Good thing I didn't let my laziness get over me this time. Otherwise, I would have sent another boring gift to the recipients. The first picture was my trial and error. Then the second picture was the final product. For a first timer I think it was not that bad. Don't yah think? hehe...

In a few months I have yet another one to attend. It's for my very good friend Cindy. She's going to have a baby boy in November. I'm planning to give her a diaper cake too but a bit different from the first one. I just hope laziness doesn't strike anytime soon because I have a lot of nice ideas in my head waiting to be unleashed. :D


Unknown said...

You are so creative Jetta. This is so nice, I could probably make one like this for my sisters baby shower. Very nice, nice pot!

Jam said...

perfect sistah!!!ganda..tarush!!