Thursday, March 19, 2009


I got this LINDTS Petits Dessert for free. Can you believe that? You can also get this for yourself if you're a member of their Chocolate Connoisseur's Club that is. Membership is free so you got nothing to loose. If you're a chocolate lover like the hubs this might be good for you. Nothing beats Free Stuff. Right? Life is still good! Hehee... Every $15 you spend you'll get one stamp. The first 3 stamps got me a small bar of lindts chocolate. I've accumulated 9 stamps already, now I got the Petits Dessert. Four more stamps then I'll get a 19 oz bag of lindor truffles. (My choice) Isn't free stuff just the best? Aj can't wait to eat it since it's all for her. The hubs can't have some so he just have to stick with the White Chocolate. Hehee... Before I go further I have to check some plastic inserts for the hubs.
Have a nice Weekend Y'all!


Anonymous said...

i wish i can join the club too! pwede ba ko dun? hehe :)

Rico said...

Sweet sweet treat! Penge!