Hay! Life is indeed short! It really broke my heart when I heard the passing of my dear Aunt M, but what can I do? Life sucks sometimes! We'll all definitely will go there. We just don't know when and how? UGH!!! This terrifies me! I'm sorry for being soooo morbid!
Anyways, this reminds me that we should always enjoy life to the fullest! Go out there and have fun like there is no tomorrow. You want to be wild? Be adventurous and go get yourself a Maxpedition and start packing. If it's been your long dream to go backpacking somewhere lets say in New Zealand. Go! Its never too late.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
May You Rest In Peace Auntie M!
I received a message last night from my dear sistah, that one of my favorite Uncle's wife passed away. How is that possible? Cause of her death? She accidentally shot herself. I was shocked! MAY YOU REST IN PEACE AUNTIE M! We will surely miss you! To my Dearest Uncle R, I know this is hard but hang in there! I know you're one tough guy. I really really wanted to comfort and give you a BIG, BIG HUG! (but I can't) Life indeed is short. This is just sad!
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Perks of Blogging!
One of the perks of having your own blog/domain is that you can document any event worth remembering that happens in your life. This I think is also worth sharing to family and friends who are workaholic. Giving them some nice and brilliant ideas sure would start them to relax a little. Well life is too short. So I think everyone should enjoy. But reality bites. We have to do what we are supposed to do in order to survive. But it doesn't mean we shouldn't have fun. Otherwise that's just boring! Besides we're all entitled to have annual vacations. So why not use it. That's when I thought web hosting awards comes in handy. Why? Who knows if these workaholic people might want to start blogging too. Maybe about their favorite food, destinations, books, shopping places or anything that would tickle their fancy. Looking for a new web host is very important. Bloggers know that blogging can be so addicting. Once you start you can't stop. LOL! Or to all the bloggers out there that have been wanting to have their own domain but don't know where to start. Well, it's about time to check them out. They have cheap professional web hosting services under $10 a month; all webhosting plans include at least one free domain name registration and 30 day money back guarantee. There is no harm in trying. Besides that you got nothing to loose. You might want to read their blog too for some ideas at http://webhostinggeeks.com/blog/. I might consider getting one in the future. How cool is that?
Long Weekend!
I wanted to go out of town this weekend since it's a Memorial day weekend but the hubs had a better idea. He's in the mood to start finishing the bonus room so why would I disagree, right?
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Worry no more!
We all know that August can be too darn hot here since it's the summer. The reason why I want to check if our auto ac compressor is working fine in time for our Road Trip this coming August. It's never too early to check y'know. Well, we don't want a whining child riding along with us because it was too darn hot and no AC at all. Even I would throw a fit if this happens. How could you concentrate driving if you were sweating profusely? Safety is always our Priority. I'm just glad with all the road trips we had in the past we never encountered any air conditioning problem. That would be a nightmare specially with a kid in tow. But if ever, I know where to look. Discount compressor will be my source for automotive ac compressor and much more. They offer the lowest price on a/c compressor, condenser, drier, air conditioning compressor and more.
Disney Moment!
Summer Plans!!!
In less than 3 weeks school will be over. Yipeee!!! I can't wait for the summer time. Since I booked a cruise this August, the hubs and I were thinking of staying in Orlando Florida for 3 days after the cruise. The hubs and I agreed to see Disney World once again. Since the little princess had grown a little, we were pretty sure that she'll love it even more and would appreciate the stuff she wasn't able to enjoy before like some of the rides and shows due to age and height restriction. This would be our third time to visit. We just love it there. I just wish it was closer. 10 hours of driving is not easy especially if you have a kid. And lets not forget the "Are we there yet line?" Tsk! AJ just know how to push the wrong button sometimes. But this time it will be different because I'm going to make sure that she will enjoy the ride and would not pester us along the way. With all the toys and fun activities I have in mind, she will actually will love and enjoy it. So I guess, it's about time to check Disney Tickets. Who knows? I might score a good deal. That would be nice.
We love all their THEME PARKS. Each park has it's own CHARM so its hard for me to choose. Here are some of the reasons why we keep on coming back to DISNEY WORLD:
1. I just love being a KID again. Disney World sure knows how to do it.
2. I just love MICKEY just as much how AJ loves CINDERELLA. The hubs, well he just want to tag along! Hahaha...
3. We all love Mickey's PhilarMagic 3-D Spectacular. I don't know how many times we've seen this.
4. You guys know how much we love roller coaster. We all love The Barnstormer at GOOFY's Wiseacre Farm (Magic Kingdom) We were so happy that AJ was allowed to ride.
5. Good food at EPCOT. Discover the Worlds of Wonder and use your imagination. (I'm telling you, you should visit for sure you'll know what I'm talking about)
6. The fireworks at night! It's AMAZING! (Magic Kingdom and Epcot)
7. AJ gets to wear her favorite costume and pretend she's one of the princesses. (Magic Kingdom)
8. They have a lot of good shows. I Love CRUSH!(EPCOT) He's the best! You can talk to him face to face. He's so funny! Make sure to visit him twice or thrice for every show is different.
9. I just love the show Dream Along with Mickey! Just melt my heart. (Magic Kingdom)
10. LOVE SOARIN' (EPCOT) with its breathtaking view and an awe inspiring flight. A must try!
11. Dine in with the Royal Princess at AKERSHUS Banquet Hall (EPCOT) You'll get to take your photo with the princesses up close and enjoy a festive dinner. You have to at least save $100 for this. Reservation is a must.
12. Disney's Memorabilia! Very tempting! If you don't watch out for your little kiddo you might go home BROKE... she/he'll be like ...I WANT THIS/THAT...haha...
Best way to do it GIVE THEM THEIR OWN MONEY. They could spend it however they want but once the money's gone that's it.
13. Sailing through the THE LAND. You can sail through the marvels of nature into working greenhouse and a real fishery. (EPCOT)
14. The DISNEY PARADE. (Magic Kingdom)
There is a lot more to see and I suggest you should at least get a 7 day pass to enjoy all the attractions. That's what we did the first time we visit DISNEY WORLD. I haven't even mentioned Animal Kingdom. (next post promise) If you guys are planning to visit Orlando soon be sure to check orlandofuntickets.com they have the best deals to get you into all of the Disney Parks in Orlando, FL!
We love all their THEME PARKS. Each park has it's own CHARM so its hard for me to choose. Here are some of the reasons why we keep on coming back to DISNEY WORLD:
1. I just love being a KID again. Disney World sure knows how to do it.
2. I just love MICKEY just as much how AJ loves CINDERELLA. The hubs, well he just want to tag along! Hahaha...
3. We all love Mickey's PhilarMagic 3-D Spectacular. I don't know how many times we've seen this.
4. You guys know how much we love roller coaster. We all love The Barnstormer at GOOFY's Wiseacre Farm (Magic Kingdom) We were so happy that AJ was allowed to ride.
5. Good food at EPCOT. Discover the Worlds of Wonder and use your imagination. (I'm telling you, you should visit for sure you'll know what I'm talking about)
6. The fireworks at night! It's AMAZING! (Magic Kingdom and Epcot)
7. AJ gets to wear her favorite costume and pretend she's one of the princesses. (Magic Kingdom)
8. They have a lot of good shows. I Love CRUSH!(EPCOT) He's the best! You can talk to him face to face. He's so funny! Make sure to visit him twice or thrice for every show is different.
9. I just love the show Dream Along with Mickey! Just melt my heart. (Magic Kingdom)
10. LOVE SOARIN' (EPCOT) with its breathtaking view and an awe inspiring flight. A must try!
11. Dine in with the Royal Princess at AKERSHUS Banquet Hall (EPCOT) You'll get to take your photo with the princesses up close and enjoy a festive dinner. You have to at least save $100 for this. Reservation is a must.
12. Disney's Memorabilia! Very tempting! If you don't watch out for your little kiddo you might go home BROKE... she/he'll be like ...I WANT THIS/THAT...haha...
Best way to do it GIVE THEM THEIR OWN MONEY. They could spend it however they want but once the money's gone that's it.
13. Sailing through the THE LAND. You can sail through the marvels of nature into working greenhouse and a real fishery. (EPCOT)
14. The DISNEY PARADE. (Magic Kingdom)
There is a lot more to see and I suggest you should at least get a 7 day pass to enjoy all the attractions. That's what we did the first time we visit DISNEY WORLD. I haven't even mentioned Animal Kingdom. (next post promise) If you guys are planning to visit Orlando soon be sure to check orlandofuntickets.com they have the best deals to get you into all of the Disney Parks in Orlando, FL!
Mother's Day Special!
As per AJ's request we ate lunch, where else, but at good ol' Grand Asia Buffet as usual. Ayayay! (Walang kamatayang Chinese food!) I was just glad they offered "SEAFOOD BUFFET" for that very special day meaning LOBSTER FEST for me and the hubs for $16.99. I was one happy Mommy. It's not the usual LOBSTER where you cracked from its shell. Grand Asia served chopped LOBSTER with a very tasty sauce. It was really good! I can't blame this other woman who kept on coming back for the LOBSTER but man, she can be very selfish. No Kidding! We had to wait for the next batch again and again. Why? She was always first in line and she always had an extra plate of LOBSTER in their table. LOL! (The hubs and I can see it from across our table) I almost wanted to tell her " Whoa! HEY GIRL, take it easy! You're not the only one who's eating here!" Ahaha...
For dinner I wanted to eat at APPLE BEES because of the "Triple Chocolate Meltdown" for $5.49. I can't get enough of this dessert. This is a must try I highly recommend it. So there, that sums up my day even though I was coughing (more on like barking like a dog) I had a memorable Mother's day. FUN. FUN. FUN. Thank you my LAB and my SWEET CAKE for making it possible. Love you both to pieces. Muah!!!

OH! The hubs took care of my closet so MISSION ORGANIZATION ACCOMPLISHED! One of his many surprises. Again love you my LABS! Hihi...
I'm wearing my DIY earrings as well as AJ. The hubs thought the earrings was too big for me but I thought it was alright.
For dinner I wanted to eat at APPLE BEES because of the "Triple Chocolate Meltdown" for $5.49. I can't get enough of this dessert. This is a must try I highly recommend it. So there, that sums up my day even though I was coughing (more on like barking like a dog) I had a memorable Mother's day. FUN. FUN. FUN. Thank you my LAB and my SWEET CAKE for making it possible. Love you both to pieces. Muah!!!

OH! The hubs took care of my closet so MISSION ORGANIZATION ACCOMPLISHED! One of his many surprises. Again love you my LABS! Hihi...
I'm wearing my DIY earrings as well as AJ. The hubs thought the earrings was too big for me but I thought it was alright.
Sick Mode!!!
Ughhhh!!! Why oh why? Despite all the medicine (Mucinex--- over the counter) I've been taking am still sick. It got me worried I had to go to the Urgent Care Clinic ASAP for a prescription for Antibiotic. The Doc told me that I have an Acute Bronchitis and was advised to drink plenty of fluids and prescribed me a more effective cough medicine to stop my cough. She even took a chest x-ray to make sure that I don't have pneumonia or a lung problem. Oh man! It sucks! I hope to get better in the next few days. AJ's been wondering when can I play with her. I just don't have the strength and I can't even enjoy my meal. Anyways, Ive been searching for credit card reform on how it will benefit me? With the economy we are dealing right now we have to be wise and careful. I don't think everyone can afford to be sick.
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Polymer Clay!
Ever since my sweet AJ introduces me to play with CLAY. I fell in love with it. For starter I made her some cupcake accessories. Idea I got from You tube (Thanks a lot YT!) To her delight she asked me if she could eat one ha.ha.ha. Silly girl!

These are made of Polymer Clay! Way better than the first one we used refer photo below.

Air Dry Clay! You don't need to bake them but it breaks easily.

These are made of Polymer Clay! Way better than the first one we used refer photo below.

Air Dry Clay! You don't need to bake them but it breaks easily.
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Hey! Why not?
Just because your day is crazy doesn't mean your love life has to be. Right? Life's full of choices. Learn more about punk singles. Maybe you can find meaning all around you - if you know where to look for it. Go on make your heart soar. You might get the best surprise of your life. Wouldn't that be great?
Early Present for Mother's DaY!

I got this yesterday (Friday) from my ever sweet baby doll AJ.
AJ: Mommy, I have a surprise for you for Mother's day.
Mommy: Babe, Mother's day will be on Sunday.
AJ: That's OK! Its an early present for you, Mom. Here look! I made you a POEM! (she read the poem out loud)It's a fill in the blank question from school.
My Mom always say--- SHE WANTS TO GO SHOPPING.
My Mom cooks the best--- PIZZA
My Mom really loves---- TO PLAY WITH HER LAPTOP
My Mom and I like to---- WATCH
My Mom's favorite clothes to wear are----- ANYTHING
My Mom is beautiful because ----- SHE IS MYSTERIOUS!
Mommy: That was so SWEET Babe! (I gave her a big hug and shower her with lots of kisses)
That was so nice of you. I like it a lot! Thank you!
AJ: You're Welcome! I have some more. Here...
My MOM and I...
My Mom and I eat CHIPS
My Mom and I read LANDS (I don't know what she meant by Lands...she said she just made this up. Silly Girl!)
My Mom and I like to play EYE SPY (I Spy game)
My Mom and I play HIDE n SEEK
My MOM and I go to the PARK
My Mom and I watch PRINCESS MOVIE

Because there's no one like MOM.
Make this MOTHER'S Day Special
and TREAT your MOM.
Happy Mother's day to all the BEAUTIFUL MOMMIES out there like moi hehe... (pagbigyan na kasi Mother's day naman eh! Wink!)Muah!!!
from JRJ kids (hihi)
Friday, May 8, 2009
Jetty is happy!
Happiness for me is this...

Yup! A flower in sight makes me happy no matter what kind. Days like this makes me want to think about Washington Landscaper. I think now is the perfect time to start planning for my spring gardening projects. I've been wanting and wishing for a new plants for our entry door. I've been also longing for a completely new look for our landscape. But in order to do that I have to consider things like consulting the hubs. Since he will be the one who's doing all the hard work. I am also considering to consult with or hire a landscape design professional to draw the master plan, even if we are going to do the work ourselves. Ooopps! Lets not forget about the budget very important.
How to make a Budget:
1. Consider using my old plants and trees and try to incorporate it with the landscaping design I have in mind.
2. Ask for a detailed estimate to a professional so I can plan wisely.
3. Consider the costs involved in site preparation including the possibility of removing some of my existing plants,soil preparation and mulching.
4. Budgeting for what I need , and then what I want. This is tricky! I can easily get lost out there since I like most of what I see. Tsk!
5. Stick with the plan/budget! Hahaha...

Our front lawn needs a makeover ASAP! LOL!

Yup! A flower in sight makes me happy no matter what kind. Days like this makes me want to think about Washington Landscaper. I think now is the perfect time to start planning for my spring gardening projects. I've been wanting and wishing for a new plants for our entry door. I've been also longing for a completely new look for our landscape. But in order to do that I have to consider things like consulting the hubs. Since he will be the one who's doing all the hard work. I am also considering to consult with or hire a landscape design professional to draw the master plan, even if we are going to do the work ourselves. Ooopps! Lets not forget about the budget very important.
How to make a Budget:
1. Consider using my old plants and trees and try to incorporate it with the landscaping design I have in mind.
2. Ask for a detailed estimate to a professional so I can plan wisely.
3. Consider the costs involved in site preparation including the possibility of removing some of my existing plants,soil preparation and mulching.
4. Budgeting for what I need , and then what I want. This is tricky! I can easily get lost out there since I like most of what I see. Tsk!
5. Stick with the plan/budget! Hahaha...

Our front lawn needs a makeover ASAP! LOL!
Strawberry Picking April 2009!
Someone special!
Have you been looking for that very special someone but doesn't know exactly what you are looking for? Confusing isn't it? How about you try interracial dating. Today might just be your lucky day. Join them today and see it yourself and get the best dating platform and the easiest to use tools that help you find your interracial match today! You might just find love online. Go on! What are you waiting for?
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Good Job Babydoll!
Since AJ did such a wonderful job last week during the National TV turnoff week. We decided to get her a new bike. (Even if the TV turnoff was not over...we got her bike Sunday...enough to survive for 2 more days...it was not an easy task you know...good thing AJ was determined to finish it...but it was really hard...with the attention span kid has...Oh no! We had to be creative!) Anyways, she actually needed one since her old bike was too small. The problem now was she wanted to go out a lot but I can't. The pollen allergy was just bad that 2 days in a row outside was a big NO NO for me, even, if I have taken my Claritin Allergy medicine. It supposed to work 24 hrs but it only works 2 hours for me and then BOOOMMM... I sneeeeezed like crazy. Ugh!!! I actually am feeling crappy today (again!) and all I wanted was to sit down and surf and please no physical activities (thank you very much!) Sorry babydoll! (the hubs was like "LIGO lang yan" hehe... (take a bath) I'm just glad that he was in the mood to cook dinner. Thank you my Lab!
Hope you guys are feeling well today. I've heard a lot of you were sick the past few days/months. It's really hard to get sick! Oh! And with the Swine Flu going on here. It's just crazy! I just wanted to stay home and relax. Have a Nice Weekend Everyone! Muah!!!
Hope you guys are feeling well today. I've heard a lot of you were sick the past few days/months. It's really hard to get sick! Oh! And with the Swine Flu going on here. It's just crazy! I just wanted to stay home and relax. Have a Nice Weekend Everyone! Muah!!!
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