AJ's Kindergarten teacher Mrs. Sxxx is expecting to deliver her twins next month. So the kids and the parents are going to throw her a farewell and a baby shower party next week. She's going to have two boys and it would be her first. (She informed us that after the birth of the twins, she won't be coming back to teach not until the twins are 5. Good for her, she's fortunate to be able to witness the transformation of her twins. One of the perks I think of being a stay at home Mom.) The kids will surely miss her. I know AJ will. She just love her too much.
I actually have two more friends that are expecting. Yup! Lots of baby stork on the way! One is due in May and the other one will be in August. I'm actually excited for all of them and can't wait to try my hands in making Baby Diaper Cakes. I just have to get my supplies to get started. I might as well get them a beautiful Maternity Clothes. Hey! It's not always about the baby, you have to think of the mom too. That is why I'm considering gift cards. They are just fabulous! They might need a Maternity Bottoms or a Maternity Swimsuits. Who knows what they might need. With the gift cards they can just pick whatever they want. There is no place to start with the right maternity clothes and baby stuff just click on the link and visit their website. You'll be glad if you did. Have fun Shopping! Tata!
Thursday, February 26, 2009
My Darling Doll....
AJ: Mommy, I want to be a PRINCESS when I grow up.
Where Daddy can be my KING and you will be the QUEEN.
We went to get Aj her favorite fruit which is: WATERMELON
The fruit kept on rolling at the back of the car so Aj was like:
Aj: Watermelon are you okay? (I don’t know how many times she said that and I got tired so I pretended to be the watermelon and said "I’m okay!")
Aj: GOOD! Tell that to Mommy.
Where Daddy can be my KING and you will be the QUEEN.
We went to get Aj her favorite fruit which is: WATERMELON
The fruit kept on rolling at the back of the car so Aj was like:
Aj: Watermelon are you okay? (I don’t know how many times she said that and I got tired so I pretended to be the watermelon and said "I’m okay!")
Aj: GOOD! Tell that to Mommy.
This is life...
A very good friend of mine sent me this.
This is a true story.
The woman left the office after working hours and saw a little child crying on the road. Feeling pity for the child, she went to ask what happened. The child said, 'I am lost. Can you take me home please?' Then the child gave her a slip of paper and tells the woman where the address is..
The woman, being an average kind person who, didn't suspect anything took the child there. And there when they arrived at the 'child's home', the kind hearted
woman pressed the door bell and she was electrocuted as the bell was wired with high voltage, and fainted.
The next day when she woke up, she found herself in an empty house up in the hills, naked. Condom were all thrown around with semen flowing. There were at least about 20 condoms! She has not even seen her assailants. That's why nowadays crimes are targeted on kind people like her.
Next time if the same situation occurs, never bring the
child to the intended place. If the child insists, then
bring the child to the police station. Lost children are
best to sent to police stations.
Please send this to all your female friends/colleagues,
and your friends with girlfriends and friends with wives. It
is better to receive this a thousand times than be a victim once!
Please pass this on to family members. It is better to be informed.
It is sad that we can't even help children now!
Sadly, we live in a very dangerous world. No matter where we are danger will always be around us. The only thing we can do to protect ourselves is to be aware of our surroundings. I know it's a very good feeling to be the Good Samaritan but you don't have to be the hero all the time. Help when you can but think and act sensibly to avoid danger. The reason why we have officers in uniform to help and protect us.
Anyone, who's a parent knows it's very hard to relax, because there is so much to do and worry about. What scares me was knowing that there's a bunch of people out there that can hurt us. But I wont let this affect me and be paranoid about everything. I just hope I wouldn't encounter any of them or my baby doll because that's another story. The hubs and I would always remind AJ about strangers on what to do and what to expect. I hope she's smart enough for her own good. I won't pretend everything is fine when I know deep down inside that it's not but life must go on I just have to do what I have to do to keep us safe. I hope this didn't scare you. Just think of it as a reminder. Have a Wonderful Weekend Y'all!
This is a true story.
The woman left the office after working hours and saw a little child crying on the road. Feeling pity for the child, she went to ask what happened. The child said, 'I am lost. Can you take me home please?' Then the child gave her a slip of paper and tells the woman where the address is..
The woman, being an average kind person who, didn't suspect anything took the child there. And there when they arrived at the 'child's home', the kind hearted
woman pressed the door bell and she was electrocuted as the bell was wired with high voltage, and fainted.
The next day when she woke up, she found herself in an empty house up in the hills, naked. Condom were all thrown around with semen flowing. There were at least about 20 condoms! She has not even seen her assailants. That's why nowadays crimes are targeted on kind people like her.
Next time if the same situation occurs, never bring the
child to the intended place. If the child insists, then
bring the child to the police station. Lost children are
best to sent to police stations.
Please send this to all your female friends/colleagues,
and your friends with girlfriends and friends with wives. It
is better to receive this a thousand times than be a victim once!
Please pass this on to family members. It is better to be informed.
It is sad that we can't even help children now!
Sadly, we live in a very dangerous world. No matter where we are danger will always be around us. The only thing we can do to protect ourselves is to be aware of our surroundings. I know it's a very good feeling to be the Good Samaritan but you don't have to be the hero all the time. Help when you can but think and act sensibly to avoid danger. The reason why we have officers in uniform to help and protect us.
Anyone, who's a parent knows it's very hard to relax, because there is so much to do and worry about. What scares me was knowing that there's a bunch of people out there that can hurt us. But I wont let this affect me and be paranoid about everything. I just hope I wouldn't encounter any of them or my baby doll because that's another story. The hubs and I would always remind AJ about strangers on what to do and what to expect. I hope she's smart enough for her own good. I won't pretend everything is fine when I know deep down inside that it's not but life must go on I just have to do what I have to do to keep us safe. I hope this didn't scare you. Just think of it as a reminder. Have a Wonderful Weekend Y'all!
Thank You Tita Cindy!
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Home improvement??? Help!!!
We purchased our house 7 years ago. As a first time home owner we were so excited to decorate the house. So the first thing we did was to decorate the formal dining room followed by the baby's room which was never used. AJ slept with us the whole time she was growing up. Now that's she's a little kid she asked for a big girl's room so we redecorated the baby's room and changed it to our office/computer room since it's smaller. Then we converted the other room to be AJ's room. But this doesn't serve its purpose since she went back sleeping with us. I blame her wild imagination. That's right! This girl is scared of everything. At one time, she even thought that the smoke detector was an eye looking at her because of the red light blinking. Her room served as her playroom and storage area haha... Tsk!
Anyways, my favorite part of the house is our kitchen. Good thing the hubs finished installing the back splash and the under cabinet lights which made my kitchen more beautiful than it used to be. All I need for him to do is to change the
kitchen sinks because I wanted a new one to go along with my beautiful back splash. Oops... I forgot I also wanted new Granite countertops to match. You know I actually have a lot in mind when it comes to decorating our house. There's the Master Bedroom... I've been itching to paint the walls and do something different haven't had the chance to do so yet. I guess this can wait. Just like what the hubs said: "One at a time, Babe". *Big Sigh*
Anyways, my favorite part of the house is our kitchen. Good thing the hubs finished installing the back splash and the under cabinet lights which made my kitchen more beautiful than it used to be. All I need for him to do is to change the
kitchen sinks because I wanted a new one to go along with my beautiful back splash. Oops... I forgot I also wanted new Granite countertops to match. You know I actually have a lot in mind when it comes to decorating our house. There's the Master Bedroom... I've been itching to paint the walls and do something different haven't had the chance to do so yet. I guess this can wait. Just like what the hubs said: "One at a time, Babe". *Big Sigh*
Such A Girlie Girl!
My darling doll is such a girlie girl. Read her remarks:
AJ: Do I look sassy mommy? (Yes, she knows how to use the Sassy word)
AJ: Do I look stylish? (LOL!) And at one time she walked like a model; posed and said
AJ: Mom, Do I look like a Model? Can I be on TV? (har har)
She even knows the word Fashionista.
She wants a variety of hair style as much as possible.
She loves dresses too much.
The hubs: Oh my gosh! You created a monster!
AJ: Do I look sassy mommy? (Yes, she knows how to use the Sassy word)
AJ: Do I look stylish? (LOL!) And at one time she walked like a model; posed and said
AJ: Mom, Do I look like a Model? Can I be on TV? (har har)
She even knows the word Fashionista.
She wants a variety of hair style as much as possible.
She loves dresses too much.
The hubs: Oh my gosh! You created a monster!
Sunday, February 22, 2009
February 18, 2008 marks the year after an unfortunate incident that took placed in our province. I never in my wildest dream would have thought it would happen to us. I really wish it didn’t happen at all because it really scared the shit out of me. It took me a while to calm my nerves and I tried so hard to forget the whole thing but I don’t think it will ever happen. It still gives me the creeps and I still shiver whenever I remember it, even now that I’m back here in the comforts of our home. What’s even worse is I got so paranoid that now I have the urge to always check everything and turn the alarm on as soon as I come home. (That’s not like me because I think I am one of the most care less person you’ll ever meet. Would you believe at one time I forgot to remove the keys from our apartment door one night, which our next door neighbor had to inform us? During that time I’m not fond of using the security alarm that our apartment provided. I thought who needed that anyway? At one time, I also forgot to lock the apartments backdoor which I think we got lucky because we never had any break-ins or something like that. You know what. I actually don’t want to think about it. I’m just thankful that we were ok despite of my carelessness.)
So who would have thought that on the early morning of Feb. 18, 2008 at around 3am somebody would give us the fright that I would have never imagined. We were all very tired because we just had AJ’s 5th b-day party at Jollibee Solano Nueva Vizcaya. (The hubs and I were really tired since the 15th; AJ had a small celebration at my MIL’s house on her actual birth day. Then the next day she had her 5th b-day party at SM Fairview STORYLAND the food was catered by McDonalds. After the party we had to travel to the province for her other party the next day which was held at Jollibee Solano NV at 1pm. We were even late at our own party hahaaha…. Then we had to go to the church that night and eat out for dinner. So imagine how exhausted we were on the night of the 17th. The husband even had a terrible migraine that he had to lie down for a few hours while me, my mom and my sis were busy chatting. My Dad and the kids were already asleep and I think my BIL was playing with the PSP in their room. After a few hours my mom called it a night so she went to bed ahead of us. But my sis and I stayed up a little longer. I noticed that my sis was a little bit apprehensive and too jumpy whenever she heard something but I didn’t think it was anything to be scared of. She didn’t say anything too that she was suspicious already and kept to herself thinking it was just her imagination and it was nothing. She just told us about this the next day.) Then my sis and I called it the night and went to our rooms at around 1:30 am. I took a shower and brushed my teeth then I went to bed. Then the hubs woke up to wash for the night then went back to bed right away. After an hour or so the hubs was awoken by a strange sound and saw hands coming from outside the window. He tried to wake me silently but I was too sleepy. I thought he was mumbling or something “Labs ninakawan tayo” (somebody is robbing us) Huuhhhh….. I can hardly open my eyes then he said it again this time it was louder “NINAKAWAN TAYO” as he tried to grab the thief’s hands!!! (SOMEBODY IS ROBBING US). Then I heard the thief’s footsteps running. It was then that I started shouting “Magnanakaw”!!! (Thief! Thief!) My Dad and Mom didn’t hear us initially. The hubs started chasing him and started to climb the fence but I had to stop him for the fear that he might get hurt. We didn’t know what the thief might do in the night.
So we just went back inside and woke up everyone. We discovered that he got my Mom’s cell phone first. (Yup! Those two didn’t hear a thing) From our room he got the hub’s 60 GB Ipod,(this was a fully loaded gift from me for x-mas 2 years ago) AJ’s New Nintendo DS with a new game we just bought, and the hubs Video eyewear (where you can plug to an ipod and watch video that seemed to be projected on a 46-inch TV. I got this for the hubs on our 7th Anniversary gift for $400.) Then there was also the cell phone we borrowed from my SILs that probably cost P12,000. We were just glad that nobody got hurt. I think he just came to rob but still he gave us the experience I will never ever forget. Then the hubs informed me that it was a good thing he didn’t put my LV bag over by the window. (He thought about it and I’m really glad he didn’t. This could have caused us a lot of trouble. If he did we would’ve been SCREWED!) Que horror! I didn’t worry about the bag. It was more for a fact that the bag had our passport, greencard, pocket money, my driver’s license and credit cards along with my digital camera and digital video cam.). Imagine if that happened? I swear I don’t know what I would’ve done. That is why I’m very thankful despite of what happened. I’m still thankful to HIM for watching over us. Those things that he took can be replaced but not the people I love. I just wish we had a Security Cameras Direct at that time. It could have come in handy for us. I had to give up the convenience we had from the new house. That’s how scared I was. I swear I didn’t want to go back and sleep there anymore. I had to compromise and stay at the old house even if AJ didn’t like it. She thought it was too old and ugly. No air-conditioner. Restroom was outside and a bit far from our room.
So who would have thought that on the early morning of Feb. 18, 2008 at around 3am somebody would give us the fright that I would have never imagined. We were all very tired because we just had AJ’s 5th b-day party at Jollibee Solano Nueva Vizcaya. (The hubs and I were really tired since the 15th; AJ had a small celebration at my MIL’s house on her actual birth day. Then the next day she had her 5th b-day party at SM Fairview STORYLAND the food was catered by McDonalds. After the party we had to travel to the province for her other party the next day which was held at Jollibee Solano NV at 1pm. We were even late at our own party hahaaha…. Then we had to go to the church that night and eat out for dinner. So imagine how exhausted we were on the night of the 17th. The husband even had a terrible migraine that he had to lie down for a few hours while me, my mom and my sis were busy chatting. My Dad and the kids were already asleep and I think my BIL was playing with the PSP in their room. After a few hours my mom called it a night so she went to bed ahead of us. But my sis and I stayed up a little longer. I noticed that my sis was a little bit apprehensive and too jumpy whenever she heard something but I didn’t think it was anything to be scared of. She didn’t say anything too that she was suspicious already and kept to herself thinking it was just her imagination and it was nothing. She just told us about this the next day.) Then my sis and I called it the night and went to our rooms at around 1:30 am. I took a shower and brushed my teeth then I went to bed. Then the hubs woke up to wash for the night then went back to bed right away. After an hour or so the hubs was awoken by a strange sound and saw hands coming from outside the window. He tried to wake me silently but I was too sleepy. I thought he was mumbling or something “Labs ninakawan tayo” (somebody is robbing us) Huuhhhh….. I can hardly open my eyes then he said it again this time it was louder “NINAKAWAN TAYO” as he tried to grab the thief’s hands!!! (SOMEBODY IS ROBBING US). Then I heard the thief’s footsteps running. It was then that I started shouting “Magnanakaw”!!! (Thief! Thief!) My Dad and Mom didn’t hear us initially. The hubs started chasing him and started to climb the fence but I had to stop him for the fear that he might get hurt. We didn’t know what the thief might do in the night.
So we just went back inside and woke up everyone. We discovered that he got my Mom’s cell phone first. (Yup! Those two didn’t hear a thing) From our room he got the hub’s 60 GB Ipod,(this was a fully loaded gift from me for x-mas 2 years ago) AJ’s New Nintendo DS with a new game we just bought, and the hubs Video eyewear (where you can plug to an ipod and watch video that seemed to be projected on a 46-inch TV. I got this for the hubs on our 7th Anniversary gift for $400.) Then there was also the cell phone we borrowed from my SILs that probably cost P12,000. We were just glad that nobody got hurt. I think he just came to rob but still he gave us the experience I will never ever forget. Then the hubs informed me that it was a good thing he didn’t put my LV bag over by the window. (He thought about it and I’m really glad he didn’t. This could have caused us a lot of trouble. If he did we would’ve been SCREWED!) Que horror! I didn’t worry about the bag. It was more for a fact that the bag had our passport, greencard, pocket money, my driver’s license and credit cards along with my digital camera and digital video cam.). Imagine if that happened? I swear I don’t know what I would’ve done. That is why I’m very thankful despite of what happened. I’m still thankful to HIM for watching over us. Those things that he took can be replaced but not the people I love. I just wish we had a Security Cameras Direct at that time. It could have come in handy for us. I had to give up the convenience we had from the new house. That’s how scared I was. I swear I didn’t want to go back and sleep there anymore. I had to compromise and stay at the old house even if AJ didn’t like it. She thought it was too old and ugly. No air-conditioner. Restroom was outside and a bit far from our room.
AJ's Frozen Banana Split Ice Cream Cake recipe!
I just had to change the recipe a little so the hubs could eat and have a taste. I replaced the chocolate fudge with a marshmallow topping since we couldn't find a ready made white chocolate topping at the time. (Chocolates trigger hubs' migraine. So as much as possible when I make some dessert it shouldn't include chocolate or he would end up having a migraine. Oh! Poor little thing!) Anyways, anybody can make this just as long as you have all the necessary ingredients you're ready to roll.
Ice Cream Bars
Cool Whipped Cream
Maraschino Cherries (chopped)
Bananas (sliced)
Butterscotch topping
Marshmallow topping (instead of the chocolate fudge)
Regular Peanuts (she used toffee bits)
This recipe is all about layering:
1. Put the ice cream bars on the bottom of the pan.
2. Put the slice banana on top.
3. Put the maraschino next.
4. Then sprinkle some peanuts.
5. Drizzle it with the Butterscotch and Marshmallow topping.
6. Layer it with some more ice cream bars.
7. Then top it of with the cool whipped cream.
8. Lastly, sprinkle it with some more peanuts.
Freeze it overnight or when it's set then serve.
Ice Cream Bars
Cool Whipped Cream
Maraschino Cherries (chopped)
Bananas (sliced)
Butterscotch topping
Marshmallow topping (instead of the chocolate fudge)
Regular Peanuts (she used toffee bits)
This recipe is all about layering:
1. Put the ice cream bars on the bottom of the pan.
2. Put the slice banana on top.
3. Put the maraschino next.
4. Then sprinkle some peanuts.
5. Drizzle it with the Butterscotch and Marshmallow topping.
6. Layer it with some more ice cream bars.
7. Then top it of with the cool whipped cream.
8. Lastly, sprinkle it with some more peanuts.
Freeze it overnight or when it's set then serve.

Friday, February 20, 2009
Here's Aj again......
AJ had to use the potty before taking a bath. It was taking her long that I had to rush her.
Mom: AJ will you please hurry up! It's getting late and we have to go. Chop! Chop!
AJ: Come out, come out Poopoo! Hurry up! Stop wasting my time!!!!
This girl can really crack me up. I don’t need any proxy to fill her place in my heart. I love you babe! Muah!!!
Mom: AJ will you please hurry up! It's getting late and we have to go. Chop! Chop!
AJ: Come out, come out Poopoo! Hurry up! Stop wasting my time!!!!
This girl can really crack me up. I don’t need any proxy to fill her place in my heart. I love you babe! Muah!!!
Hey Mom!
Out of the blue she said this out loud
AJ: Hey Mom! Look I'm tall as you are.
Are you SHRINKING or something?
AJ: Hey Mom! Look I'm tall as you are.
Are you SHRINKING or something?
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Spring will be here soon!
Time flies so fast I can't believe spring is almost here. The perfect time to remove clutters and excess from our home. It's time to get the outdoors ready for entertaining. Clean the patio and outdoor furniture. Do some basic landscaping repairs on the lawn. The exterior doors and windows of the home may need some attentionlike new paint. Check for fence and shutters repair. Lawn maintenance or pest prevention may need to be performed as well. With a little effort this spring, outdoor areas will be ready to entertain throughout the summer. Aren't you excited? I'm not! Hihi... For me Spring means Allergy Season. Yes! I'm not looking forward to that but if you say warm weather??? Bring it on! I'm so tired of the cold weather already! Arrrgg!!!
Anyways, if you need replacement for your shutters did you know that Larson Shutter Company provides a large selection of exterior shutters for your home? Visit their easy, safe and secure online shopping at www.LarsonShutter.com. Happy Hunting!
Anyways, if you need replacement for your shutters did you know that Larson Shutter Company provides a large selection of exterior shutters for your home? Visit their easy, safe and secure online shopping at www.LarsonShutter.com. Happy Hunting!
Happy Birthday BabyDoll!!!
February 15, 2009
10 PM
We just got back from Virginia and she wanted to blow her cake before going to bed. Even if she's exhausted that didn't stop her so we gave in and just let her, I was planning to do it the next day but she was too excited. I made AJ's ice cream cake Friday night. It's a Frozen Banana Split Ice Cream Cake inspired by Ms Paula Deen of Paula's Home Cooking. (Food Network) AJ is not fond of the regular cake (she said it's too sweet for her taste. Yes! She's that picky) she prefers ice cream cake instead... so there I made her one. She went to sleep very happy.
10 PM
We just got back from Virginia and she wanted to blow her cake before going to bed. Even if she's exhausted that didn't stop her so we gave in and just let her, I was planning to do it the next day but she was too excited. I made AJ's ice cream cake Friday night. It's a Frozen Banana Split Ice Cream Cake inspired by Ms Paula Deen of Paula's Home Cooking. (Food Network) AJ is not fond of the regular cake (she said it's too sweet for her taste. Yes! She's that picky) she prefers ice cream cake instead... so there I made her one. She went to sleep very happy.

Monday, February 16, 2009
Getting a break from Reality!
Vacations are one of the best things in the world. You get to see new things and discover places you thought doesn't exist. You get to experience different cultures and create some good memories. Best of all we get a break from reality. Experience the bliss in our temporary home away from home. Ahhh Bliss! But lets face it- Vacations can be too darn expensive if it's not well planned. Sometimes I wish it's cheap like this eyeglasses. (Dream On!) Where you can find it at ZenniOptical.com
They sell stylish prescription glasses online starting from $8. They were highly recommended by the New York Times since they are one of the cheapest sellers of eyeglasses in the country. They were right about not breaking the bank just to see straight. For the fashionista in you don't worry. They have something for everyone. They take great pride and strive to provide fashionable and stylish products so you don't need to sacrifice anything and would still look FABULOUS. Best of all you don't have to spend a fortune. Ain't that great? My pick was the Acetate Full-Rim Frame with Spring Hinges in clear brown or black. It sure will look good in everything I have in my closet. *Wink*
Anyways, we had a very busy weekend. We just got back from our Virginia Weekend Getaway for my babydoll's 6th Birthday Celebration. We stayed at Great Wolf Lodge in Williamsburg. Fun Times! (More stories later)
They sell stylish prescription glasses online starting from $8. They were highly recommended by the New York Times since they are one of the cheapest sellers of eyeglasses in the country. They were right about not breaking the bank just to see straight. For the fashionista in you don't worry. They have something for everyone. They take great pride and strive to provide fashionable and stylish products so you don't need to sacrifice anything and would still look FABULOUS. Best of all you don't have to spend a fortune. Ain't that great? My pick was the Acetate Full-Rim Frame with Spring Hinges in clear brown or black. It sure will look good in everything I have in my closet. *Wink*
Anyways, we had a very busy weekend. We just got back from our Virginia Weekend Getaway for my babydoll's 6th Birthday Celebration. We stayed at Great Wolf Lodge in Williamsburg. Fun Times! (More stories later)

Busy Weekend!
We had a very busy weekend with Valentines and AJ's 6th Birthday Celebration (Sunday). I'm dead tired. Gosh! I'll try to catch up with you guys later. Have a good week ahead Everyone!
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Let’s face it- It’s hard to make ends meet these days and some things just can't wait until your next payday. It amazes me that even those that earn big paychecks struggles and actually are considering of using payday loan. However, I suggest you should always look at all of your options before taking a payday loan. If you have an urgent need, a payday loan may be a great option and can be a smart way to avoid more costly forms of credit, but they’re not a long term solution for debt. Use payday loans to cover unexpected expenses or pay bills. Just like what my friend did when she suddenly got sick and has to pay her medical bills. I can’t blame her for opting the easy way out although I would have loved to help her. But I guess, she knew I have my own worries too. Tough luck! Tough times!

Cocktail Rings!
I'm a huge fan of Cocktail Rings. LOVE THEM! I've been sporting this for years now. I think the bigger the better. Gifts are highly appreciated so Sis, if you're reading this you might want to surprise me sometime soon. Nyahaha...
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Penny Pinching!
It's sad how tough things are getting. With the gas prices going up and food prices increasing as well it's time to start our strategy for penny pinching to ease the burden. Did you know that RICH PEOPLE are often the best at being frugal? Penny pinching is how many of them became wealthy in the first place. So guys if you want to be rich someday you should start tightening that belt and pretty soon you will be getting Free copy of Retailers Forum Magazine. You might become one of those millionaires. You just never know. So do you guys have any suggestions on penny pinching? Care to share your strategies? I would love to hear some.
For the Love of Chinese Food!!!
I learned from my friend Cindy that she got AJ a gift for her birthday. She got her the Bedazzled Hair Accessory which I think was spot on because that is something that she likes for her actual birthday. (We promised her 2 more gifts) So I told AJ about it and she was ecstatic. She knows that we'll meet up tomorrow for lunch. Since her Tita Cindy got her the Hair Accessory I asked her if she wants something else. Her response was:
AJ: You know how much I love Chinese. (Meaning she wants to eat at her favorite Chinese Restaurant hahaha... thats it! She's so funny!)
AJ: You know how much I love Chinese. (Meaning she wants to eat at her favorite Chinese Restaurant hahaha... thats it! She's so funny!)
Favorite Lunch and Shopping Buddy!
I'm going to have a lunch date with my good friend Cindy at Pf Chang's Restaurant tomorrow. She's craving for their dumplings her favorite. We have a reservation at 11:30 AM. I hope I won't be late. Teehee... Wouldn't it be nice if we have the likes of Dallas Catering. I bet she'll be thrilled! What's not to like? When you can have fun in the comforts of your home. This post is sponsored by DALLAS CATERING company JimLeeEvents.
Here Goes my AJ again!
The hubs put on the music so I started singing...
AJ: Oh NO! There goes Mommy CRAZY SINGING again.
Out of the blue she blurted this...
AJ: Wow, Mom! You're having a bad hair day. (She's brutally honest isn't she?)
I actually agree! I really need to do something with my UGLY hair. There goes my money down the drain. The hairstylist promised me at least a year of beautiful hair when I had my hair rebonded but I guess it just didn't work. (Time to bring out my trusted Flat Iron once again)
AJ: Oh NO! There goes Mommy CRAZY SINGING again.
Out of the blue she blurted this...
AJ: Wow, Mom! You're having a bad hair day. (She's brutally honest isn't she?)
I actually agree! I really need to do something with my UGLY hair. There goes my money down the drain. The hairstylist promised me at least a year of beautiful hair when I had my hair rebonded but I guess it just didn't work. (Time to bring out my trusted Flat Iron once again)
I was chatting through my YM with my sis yesterday about the Money/Beauty Contest that my Niece/Goddaughter Justine or "Jang" (for short) joined in. (A school fund raiser) Anyways, she mentioned it was the last day of canvassing. Final results will be on Friday (13th). The pageant will be held in their School Building. Hopefully it won't need any pest inspection. Nothing is scarier when you see some creepy crawlers, right? Yaiks!!! Prizes include: Full Tuition Fee for the Grand Prize Winner, Half Tuition Fee for the 1st Runner Up then Free Books for the 2nd Runner Up. Not Bad! (I hope this can help her gain CONFIDENCE and overcome her stage fright. She can be TIMID sometimes. Go Girl!) GOODLUCK my Sweet JANG! I hope you WIN! Love Tita/Ninang! (Aunt/Godmother)
Have You's!
Have You's
Thank you Kris for this Tag! This has got some interesting questions.
Here goes:
1. Have you ever been on TV? Unfortunately not!
2. Have you ever sung in public? Yes! It was in a choir. You would definitely see me at the back row hiding hahaha….
3. Have you ever dyed your hair blond? No! It sure won’t look good on me. I have dark skin. Que Horror!
4. Have you ever eaten frog legs? Yes! And I love it!
5. Have you ever received a present that you really hated? To be honest YES! Hate is a very strong word. Let’s just say I didn’t like it.
6. Have you ever walked into a lamp post? Hope not!
7. Have you ever cooked a meal by yourself for more than 15 people? Nope, I always ask the hubs help or most of the time it’s catered.
8. Have you ever fallen or stumbled in front of others? Not that I can remember.
9. Have you ever done volunteer work? Not yet! But I volunteered this coming MAY for my daughters recital. We would be building and painting props. Good luck to me! Did I say I lack talent! Tsk!
I want to share this tag with: Ate Marie , Kumareng Grace , Mordsith , Ate Girlie , Nanay Belen
Thank you Kris for this Tag! This has got some interesting questions.
Here goes:
1. Have you ever been on TV? Unfortunately not!
2. Have you ever sung in public? Yes! It was in a choir. You would definitely see me at the back row hiding hahaha….
3. Have you ever dyed your hair blond? No! It sure won’t look good on me. I have dark skin. Que Horror!
4. Have you ever eaten frog legs? Yes! And I love it!
5. Have you ever received a present that you really hated? To be honest YES! Hate is a very strong word. Let’s just say I didn’t like it.
6. Have you ever walked into a lamp post? Hope not!
7. Have you ever cooked a meal by yourself for more than 15 people? Nope, I always ask the hubs help or most of the time it’s catered.
8. Have you ever fallen or stumbled in front of others? Not that I can remember.
9. Have you ever done volunteer work? Not yet! But I volunteered this coming MAY for my daughters recital. We would be building and painting props. Good luck to me! Did I say I lack talent! Tsk!
I want to share this tag with: Ate Marie , Kumareng Grace , Mordsith , Ate Girlie , Nanay Belen
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Getting Old!
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be old? Getting old is a normal physical process so we shouldn’t be scared. But I often wonder who will care for me if I can’t take care of myself anymore. For some kids here in the US, their options usually are to put their parents to Retirement Homes which some of us think is absolutely horrid. But you see, you have to understand where they are coming from. Not all of us can afford not to work. Isn’t it scarier if you leave them home by themselves and when you come back from work, you’ll just see them lying around unconscious? Then your conscience would start eating you up. I think it’s a lot of courage to be open minded with regards to this issue. I know it’s easier said than done but that’s how life is. Besides, I think it’s best for everyone. You don’t have to worry about being a burden to your family. Right? Well, just as long as my family would visit me regularly then I would be happy. (I don’t mean to offend anyone. This is just my opinion.) Wouldn’t it be so cool if you joined the Free Senior Chat. You’ll get to meet new friends and kill time while chatting away. When you get older, you have to find ways to entertain yourself so you won’t be in a state of depression which is so hard to overcome especially if you don’t get the support you’ve been expecting from your loved ones. Sad I know but instead of you sulking in the corner, just go and have fun. Life is too short to be unhappy!
Saturday, February 7, 2009
AJ's been eyeing my Ipod Nano for quite sometime now, she's actually asking for it for her birthday. I said I will If her Dad would get me the Ipod Touch hahaha... (Her Dad was like OF COURSE NOT! Me: HMPPP!!!! :( )
So I told her we can share
AJ: Oh! That would be so cool! Can you please put Ella Ella Eh! Eh! Eh!
Dad: Oh! You mean UMBRELLA?
Aj: Yeah! That!
Nyahahaha... Ella Ella Eh! Eh! Eh!
She doesn't know I already had that in my playlist.
So I told her we can share
AJ: Oh! That would be so cool! Can you please put Ella Ella Eh! Eh! Eh!
Dad: Oh! You mean UMBRELLA?
Aj: Yeah! That!
Nyahahaha... Ella Ella Eh! Eh! Eh!
She doesn't know I already had that in my playlist.
Early Treat For My Babydoll!!!
After the Sunday Service last week (Feb 01). We went to the Crabtree Valley Mall for AJ's early birthday treat, we promised her a few weeks ago. We ate lunch at Kanki's Japanese Restaurant first. We enjoyed their warm and festive atmosphere with lively teppan tables. AJ had a blast watching her food cooked. We've been here lots of times but it seems like it's always a first for AJ. She got her lunch for free for the first time "Compliments of Crabtree Valley Mall" because it's her birthday. (I signed her up few months ago for the Crabtree Kids Member Reward Program. Had I known she can get a free meal for her birthday month I should have sign her up years earlier. Hahaha....) Well, what do I have to lose? Nothing! Besides, isn't the best things in life are FREE? (She got coupons, freebies and goody bags too)
Anyways, we didn't plan any Kids Birthday Parties this year for AJ's 6th Birthday. However, the hubs and I cooked up something special just for her with the 2 of us as her guest. She knows we're going to travel and gladly agreed. Thanks to Celebration.com for their wonderful party ideas. It might be just the three of us but I'm gonna make sure that AJ has a blast and a celebration to remember. I'm planning to make her a special cake for her to blow and make a wish. But the Flower Power Fruit Sticks caught my attention. I know how much she loves fruits so I'm sure this will be a hit. I don't need to worry about her getting a sugar rush. (You know how kids can become if they have sugar overload.) So guys if you are planning something special for someone, head on to their website and check them out. You might learn a thing or two. How about a special dinner for your special someone this coming Valentine's day? You don't have to worry booking reservations in a restaurant anymore. (It can get crazy out there!)
So act now and and throw the best party you've been dreaming for the longest time.
Anyhow, after lunch we went to Build- A- Bear- Workshop. She got to choose a new Bear Friend. She liked the SPRING BEAR a lot. (I think it's because of the bears "PINK" color which is her favorite) She picked an ARIEL Outfit at first but it didn't look good on her bear so she opted for the TINKERBELL Outfit. (Which I think was soooooo CUTE! Good Choice Babydoll!) She named her SAKURA. (Which means Cherry Blossoms in Japanese) Google this to be sure (Wikipedia)
When she was done, we went to get one of her favorite desserts [,"Chocolate Sundae",] from Mc Donalds which she ate all by herself. (We usually share it with her since I think it's too much for her to finish. But since it's a treat, we opted to let her finish it. ) "THIS IS THE BEST DAY EVER" she exclaimed when she was done with her ice cream. The sad part was that she got the coughs the next day. OH Dear! No more ice cream cake for her class. (That's what she wants to bring for her friends at school as a treat)
The fun didn't stop there. Remember the freebies and the goody bags.... I will blog about them next time.
Anyways, we didn't plan any Kids Birthday Parties this year for AJ's 6th Birthday. However, the hubs and I cooked up something special just for her with the 2 of us as her guest. She knows we're going to travel and gladly agreed. Thanks to Celebration.com for their wonderful party ideas. It might be just the three of us but I'm gonna make sure that AJ has a blast and a celebration to remember. I'm planning to make her a special cake for her to blow and make a wish. But the Flower Power Fruit Sticks caught my attention. I know how much she loves fruits so I'm sure this will be a hit. I don't need to worry about her getting a sugar rush. (You know how kids can become if they have sugar overload.) So guys if you are planning something special for someone, head on to their website and check them out. You might learn a thing or two. How about a special dinner for your special someone this coming Valentine's day? You don't have to worry booking reservations in a restaurant anymore. (It can get crazy out there!)
So act now and and throw the best party you've been dreaming for the longest time.
Anyhow, after lunch we went to Build- A- Bear- Workshop. She got to choose a new Bear Friend. She liked the SPRING BEAR a lot. (I think it's because of the bears "PINK" color which is her favorite) She picked an ARIEL Outfit at first but it didn't look good on her bear so she opted for the TINKERBELL Outfit. (Which I think was soooooo CUTE! Good Choice Babydoll!) She named her SAKURA. (Which means Cherry Blossoms in Japanese) Google this to be sure (Wikipedia)
When she was done, we went to get one of her favorite desserts [,"Chocolate Sundae",] from Mc Donalds which she ate all by herself. (We usually share it with her since I think it's too much for her to finish. But since it's a treat, we opted to let her finish it. ) "THIS IS THE BEST DAY EVER" she exclaimed when she was done with her ice cream. The sad part was that she got the coughs the next day. OH Dear! No more ice cream cake for her class. (That's what she wants to bring for her friends at school as a treat)
The fun didn't stop there. Remember the freebies and the goody bags.... I will blog about them next time.
I got a confirmation yesterday from http://payperpost.com/ that they already sent my first payment through my Paypal account. So I'm happy! Thank you payperpost. So guys if you love to write just about anything, give payperpost a try and start earning, Yup! it's that easy.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Many Thanks!!!

I was tagged by my beautiful friend http://vanidosa.blogspot.com/, she thinks my blog is cute. Thanks Ate Marie!
The rules:
1. Each blogger must post these rules.
2. Each blogger starts with ten random facts/habits about themselves.
3. Bloggers that are tagged need to write ten facts about themselves. Pass on this tag to ten bloggers.
Ten random facts about me.
2. I love to travel a lot! I always like to have something to look forward to so I plan ahead and I never stop planning. This reminds me to pack our Carry-On Luggage. We are going to travel to Virginia next week for my baby dolls 6th Birthday Celebration. Can you believe how easy is to use the Wheeled Carry On Luggage and let's not forget the Briefcases to put on the laptop. I personally love the 50" Mobile Traveler Garment Bag Protective Cover for its durability, high quality clear vinyl cover. This protects your luggage from wear and tear to travel. you gotta love this!
3. I sometimes OVERINDULGE with anything my hearts desire but I make sure that I just do this occasionally, and always scale back afterwards to make up for it. otherwise there will be a World War 10 between me and the hubs *WINK*
4. I love my family as much as I love my friends and would definitely go extra miles for them.
5. When I go to the mall, I don't like going home empty handed. I don't care if it is a $1 purchase or $$$$. Just as long as I have something in my hand. I'm happy!
6.I love listening to music and I love to crank the volume up. (The louder the better) I can play my favorite song over and over and over until my ears can't take it anymore. LOL!
7. I love drinking HOT TEA twice a day and lemon water in the morning or sometimes before I go to bed.
8. I am not a NEAT FREAK -haha- Although I hate clutter I just can't help it. I'm just too plain lazy to tidy up.
9. I'm good at ignoring people that causes me stress and headaches.
10. I believe that what goes around comes around so being intentionally hurtful to someone is just unacceptable. STRESSED? Stress isn't an excuse for bad behavior. Really, Who isn't Stressed?
Now it's your turn. I'm tagging everyone in my blogroll. Will you do it?
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
I got this in my inbox today and would love to share it to everyone. THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT IT COULD SAVE LIVES TOO. Its worth a read!
This gives us something to think about with all our new electronic technology. Be very careful about how you program your cell phone, leaving your GPS in the car and answering text messages. Since your GPS usually needs your home address to guide you home from a trip, consider putting a wrong address in it, possibly a number on the next block. Be sure to read this thoroughly.
A couple of weeks ago a friend told me that someone she knew had their car broken into while they were at a football match. Their car was parked on the green which was adjacent to the football stadium and specially allotted to football fans. Things stolen from the car included a garage door remote control, some money and a GPS Navigation unit that had been prominently mounted on the dashboard. When the victims got home, they found that their house had been ransacked and just about everything worth anything had been stolen.
The thieves had used the GPS to guide them to the house. They then used the garage remote control to open the garage door and gain entry to the house. The thieves knew the owners were at the football game, they knew what time the game was scheduled to finish and so they knew how much time they had to clean up the house. It would appear that they had brought a truck to empty the house of its contents.
A lady has now changed her habit of how she lists her names on her mobile phone. Her handbag, which contained her cell phone, credit card, wallet, etc. was stolen. 20 minutes later when she called her hubby, from a pay phone telling him what had happened, hubby says 'I received your text asking about our pin number and I've replied already.'
When they rushed down to the bank, the bank staff told them all the money was
already withdrawn. The thief had actually used the stolen cell phone to text
'hubby' in the contact list and got hold of the pin number. Within 20 minutes
he had withdrawn all the money from their bank account.
Moral of the lesson:
Do not disclose the relationship between you and the people in your contact
list. Avoid using names like Home, Honey, Hubby, Sweetheart, Dad, Mom, etc.... and very importantly, when sensitive info is being asked through texts, CONFIRM by calling back. Also, when you receive text messages from friends or family to meet them somewhere, be sure to call back to confirm that the message came from them. If you don't reach them, be very careful about going places to meet 'family and friends' who text you.
I never thought about THAT! I'm seriously editing my phone right now and our GPS. You just never know! :(
This gives us something to think about with all our new electronic technology. Be very careful about how you program your cell phone, leaving your GPS in the car and answering text messages. Since your GPS usually needs your home address to guide you home from a trip, consider putting a wrong address in it, possibly a number on the next block. Be sure to read this thoroughly.
A couple of weeks ago a friend told me that someone she knew had their car broken into while they were at a football match. Their car was parked on the green which was adjacent to the football stadium and specially allotted to football fans. Things stolen from the car included a garage door remote control, some money and a GPS Navigation unit that had been prominently mounted on the dashboard. When the victims got home, they found that their house had been ransacked and just about everything worth anything had been stolen.
The thieves had used the GPS to guide them to the house. They then used the garage remote control to open the garage door and gain entry to the house. The thieves knew the owners were at the football game, they knew what time the game was scheduled to finish and so they knew how much time they had to clean up the house. It would appear that they had brought a truck to empty the house of its contents.
A lady has now changed her habit of how she lists her names on her mobile phone. Her handbag, which contained her cell phone, credit card, wallet, etc. was stolen. 20 minutes later when she called her hubby, from a pay phone telling him what had happened, hubby says 'I received your text asking about our pin number and I've replied already.'
When they rushed down to the bank, the bank staff told them all the money was
already withdrawn. The thief had actually used the stolen cell phone to text
'hubby' in the contact list and got hold of the pin number. Within 20 minutes
he had withdrawn all the money from their bank account.
Moral of the lesson:
Do not disclose the relationship between you and the people in your contact
list. Avoid using names like Home, Honey, Hubby, Sweetheart, Dad, Mom, etc.... and very importantly, when sensitive info is being asked through texts, CONFIRM by calling back. Also, when you receive text messages from friends or family to meet them somewhere, be sure to call back to confirm that the message came from them. If you don't reach them, be very careful about going places to meet 'family and friends' who text you.
I never thought about THAT! I'm seriously editing my phone right now and our GPS. You just never know! :(
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